Film Production

Rabia Khan, Writing for Film & TV Grad and Screenwriter

Meet Rabia, screenwriter and graduate from the Writing for Film & TV program. A novelist and lover of writing, Rabia wanted to learn the craft of writing for film and television. Her son was already attending TFS for Film Production, and it the interactions and connections she made at the open house that solidified her decision to come to Toronto Film School.

“My son introduced me to the program, he was already there studying film production. I use to write novels, so he said this might be a good program to try.”


Check out a previous interview with Rabia and her son here. 





“It was the people that I met at the open houses. People like Chris Fraser, Rick Bennett and Adam Till – they were so approachable and so welcoming and open in sharing their experiences. They were amazing and they helped us collaborate with other departments.“




“They taught us the craft of screenwriting which is what I wanted to do. I learnt it inside out, whether it was writing a television pilot, web series or feature film. There were so many different and wonderful teachers who brought different things to the table – I am really grateful for that.”





“I wrote a feature film that another alum is producing right now which is overseas right now. I am doing another feature film that I am hoping to push into the competition circuit.”




“I would say do everything that the school offers. Learn to work with the Actors, hang out with these people, go to shoots. Do as much hands-on experience as you can even if it isn’t writing. My biggest take away was learning how to edit, because I know how to edit, I can write for the editor and I give them enough material to play with at the end of the day and it makes for a more economical shoot at the end of the day.”




The Best and Worst Video Game Adaptations of All Time, Ranked

Video game adaptations have been notoriously hit or miss. For execs, taking a smash-hit videogame with an already massive following and turning it into a film or show seems like a no-brainer. And given the visual nature of games, you’d also expect them to translate quite seamlessly to the big (or small) screen. Yet, the …Read more