Film Production

TFS Hosts Mili Pictures from Shanghai

Recently the Toronto Film School hosted some very special guests from Mili Pictures, a worldwide family entertainment brand based in Shanghai.




The visit came after Jeff Zhang, the VP of International Cooperation (Greater China) visited Shanghai for the China international Education Exhibition Tour. There he Cécile Wang, the marketing director of Mili Pictures met. He shared with her details of Toronto’s booming film industry and that the City of Toronto is the third largest production centre for both domestic and international film projects joining Los Angeles and New York.


It was then that Mili Pictures decided to submit their latest film, Throne of Elves, to the Toronto International Film Festival. The film was accepted and premiered on Sept. 8, 2016 at the TIFF Bell Lightbox.




Of course, they invited Jeff Zhang as well as Toronto Film School’s Vice President of Marketing and Enrollment, Walter Lee, to the premier.


Also, while in Toronto they toured all three of the Toronto Film School’s campuses and took time to meet with the program coordinators of the Video Game programs and the Film Production program.


The Toronto Film School was delighted to host the visit with Mili Pictures and looks forward to working more with them in the future.


The Best and Worst Video Game Adaptations of All Time, Ranked

Video game adaptations have been notoriously hit or miss. For execs, taking a smash-hit videogame with an already massive following and turning it into a film or show seems like a no-brainer. And given the visual nature of games, you’d also expect them to translate quite seamlessly to the big (or small) screen. Yet, the …Read more