* @package org.cocur.slugify
* @author Florian Eckerstorfer <florian@eckerstorfer.co>
* @author Marchenko Alexandr
* @copyright 2012-2014 Florian Eckerstorfer
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License
interface SlugifyInterface
* Return a URL safe version of a string.
* @param string $string
* @param string|array|null $options
* @return string
* @api
public function slugify(string $string, array|string|null $options = null): string;
"syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) (View: /home/forge/uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/releases/20241113033749/web/app/themes/tfs/resources/views/single.blade.php)"
* @param string $__path
* @param array $__data
* @return string
protected function evaluatePath($__path, $__data)
$obLevel = ob_get_level();
extract($__data, EXTR_SKIP);
// We'll evaluate the contents of the view inside a try/catch block so we can
// flush out any stray output that might get out before an error occurs or
// an exception is thrown. This prevents any partial views from leaking.
try {
include $__path;
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->handleViewException($e, $obLevel);
return ltrim(ob_get_clean());
* Handle a view exception.
* @param \Throwable $e
* @param int $obLevel
* @return void
* @throws \Throwable
protected function handleViewException(Throwable $e, $obLevel)
while (ob_get_level() > $obLevel) {
* @package org.cocur.slugify
* @author Florian Eckerstorfer <florian@eckerstorfer.co>
* @author Marchenko Alexandr
* @copyright 2012-2014 Florian Eckerstorfer
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License
interface SlugifyInterface
* Return a URL safe version of a string.
* @param string $string
* @param string|array|null $options
* @return string
* @api
public function slugify(string $string, array|string|null $options = null): string;
"syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)"
public function unregister()
spl_autoload_unregister(array($this, 'loadClass'));
if (null !== $this->vendorDir) {
* Loads the given class or interface.
* @param string $class The name of the class
* @return true|null True if loaded, null otherwise
public function loadClass($class)
if ($file = $this->findFile($class)) {
$includeFile = self::$includeFile;
return true;
return null;
* Finds the path to the file where the class is defined.
* @param string $class The name of the class
* @return string|false The path if found, false otherwise
public function findFile($class)
// class map lookup
if (isset($this->classMap[$class])) {
return $this->classMap[$class];
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE.md
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace TOC;
use Cocur\Slugify\Slugify;
use Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface;
* UniqueSlugify creates slugs from text without repeating the same slug twice per instance
* @author Casey McLaughlin <caseyamcl@gmail.com>
class UniqueSlugify implements SlugifyInterface
* @var SlugifyInterface
private $slugify;
* @var array
private $used;
* Constructor
* @param SlugifyInterface|null $slugify
public function __construct(?SlugifyInterface $slugify = null)
$this->used = array();
$this->slugify = $slugify ?: new Slugify();
* @return void
private static function initializeIncludeClosure()
if (self::$includeFile !== null) {
* Scope isolated include.
* Prevents access to $this/self from included files.
* @param string $file
* @return void
self::$includeFile = \Closure::bind(static function($file) {
include $file;
}, null, null);
public function unregister()
spl_autoload_unregister(array($this, 'loadClass'));
if (null !== $this->vendorDir) {
* Loads the given class or interface.
* @param string $class The name of the class
* @return true|null True if loaded, null otherwise
public function loadClass($class)
if ($file = $this->findFile($class)) {
$includeFile = self::$includeFile;
return true;
return null;
* Finds the path to the file where the class is defined.
* @param string $class The name of the class
* @return string|false The path if found, false otherwise
public function findFile($class)
// class map lookup
if (isset($this->classMap[$class])) {
return $this->classMap[$class];
* @var HTML5
private $htmlParser;
* @var SlugifyInterface
private $slugifier;
* Constructor
* @param HTML5|null $htmlParser
* @param SlugifyInterface|null $slugify
public function __construct(?HTML5 $htmlParser = null, ?SlugifyInterface $slugify = null)
$this->htmlParser = $htmlParser ?? new HTML5();
$this->slugifier = $slugify ?? new UniqueSlugify();
* Fix markup
* @param string $markup
* @param int $topLevel
* @param int $depth
* @return string Markup with added IDs
* @throws RuntimeException
public function fix(string $markup, int $topLevel = 1, int $depth = 6): string
if (! $this->isFullHtmlDocument($markup)) {
$partialID = uniqid('toc_generator_');
$markup = sprintf("<body id='%s'>%s</body>", $partialID, $markup);
$domDocument = $this->htmlParser->loadHTML($markup);
$domDocument->preserveWhiteSpace = true; // do not clobber whitespace
namespace App\View\Composers;
use DOMDocument;
use Roots\Acorn\View\Composer;
class BlogPost extends Composer
protected static $views = [
public function override()
$fields = get_fields();
$htmlContent = apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() );
$markupFixer = new \TOC\MarkupFixer();
$tocGenerator = new \TOC\TocGenerator();
$htmlContent = $markupFixer->fix($htmlContent);
$fields['toc'] = $tocGenerator->getOrderedHtmlMenu($htmlContent);
$fields['the_content'] = $htmlContent;
$fields['the_category'] = $this->getCategory();
return $fields;
public function getCategory() {
$category = null;
if(get_the_terms(get_the_id(), 'category')) {
foreach(get_the_terms(get_the_id(), 'category') as $term) {
if($term->name !== "Blog" && $term->name !== "Events" && $term->name !== "News") {
$category = $term;
return $category;
public function compose(View $view)
$this->view = $view;
$this->data = new Fluent($view->getData());
* Data to be merged and passed to the view before rendering.
* @return array
protected function merge()
return array_merge(
* Data to be passed to view before rendering
* @return array
protected function with()
return [];
* Data to be passed to view before rendering
* @return array
protected function override()
return static::$views;
$view = array_slice(explode('\\', static::class), 3);
$view = array_map([Str::class, 'snake'], $view, array_fill(0, count($view), '-'));
return implode('/', $view);
* Compose the view before rendering.
* @param \Illuminate\View\View $view
* @return void
public function compose(View $view)
$this->view = $view;
$this->data = new Fluent($view->getData());
* Data to be merged and passed to the view before rendering.
* @return array
protected function merge()
return array_merge(
* Data to be passed to view before rendering
* @return array
return $callback;
* Build a class based container callback Closure.
* @param string $class
* @param string $prefix
* @return \Closure
protected function buildClassEventCallback($class, $prefix)
[$class, $method] = $this->parseClassEvent($class, $prefix);
// Once we have the class and method name, we can build the Closure to resolve
// the instance out of the IoC container and call the method on it with the
// given arguments that are passed to the Closure as the composer's data.
return function () use ($class, $method) {
return $this->container->make($class)->{$method}(...func_get_args());
* Parse a class based composer name.
* @param string $class
* @param string $prefix
* @return array
protected function parseClassEvent($class, $prefix)
return Str::parseCallback($class, $this->classEventMethodForPrefix($prefix));
* Determine the class event method based on the given prefix.
* @param string $prefix
* @return string
* @param \Closure|string $listener
* @param bool $wildcard
* @return \Closure
public function makeListener($listener, $wildcard = false)
if (is_string($listener)) {
return $this->createClassListener($listener, $wildcard);
if (is_array($listener) && isset($listener[0]) && is_string($listener[0])) {
return $this->createClassListener($listener, $wildcard);
return function ($event, $payload) use ($listener, $wildcard) {
if ($wildcard) {
return $listener($event, $payload);
return $listener(...array_values($payload));
* Create a class based listener using the IoC container.
* @param string $listener
* @param bool $wildcard
* @return \Closure
public function createClassListener($listener, $wildcard = false)
return function ($event, $payload) use ($listener, $wildcard) {
if ($wildcard) {
return call_user_func($this->createClassCallable($listener), $event, $payload);
$callable = $this->createClassCallable($listener);
return $callable(...array_values($payload));
* @param bool $halt
* @return array|null
public function dispatch($event, $payload = [], $halt = false)
// When the given "event" is actually an object we will assume it is an event
// object and use the class as the event name and this event itself as the
// payload to the handler, which makes object based events quite simple.
[$event, $payload] = $this->parseEventAndPayload(
$event, $payload
if ($this->shouldBroadcast($payload)) {
$responses = [];
foreach ($this->getListeners($event) as $listener) {
$response = $listener($event, $payload);
// If a response is returned from the listener and event halting is enabled
// we will just return this response, and not call the rest of the event
// listeners. Otherwise we will add the response on the response list.
if ($halt && ! is_null($response)) {
return $response;
// If a boolean false is returned from a listener, we will stop propagating
// the event to any further listeners down in the chain, else we keep on
// looping through the listeners and firing every one in our sequence.
if ($response === false) {
$responses[] = $response;
return $halt ? null : $responses;
protected function addEventListener($name, $callback)
if (Str::contains($name, '*')) {
$callback = function ($name, array $data) use ($callback) {
return $callback($data[0]);
$this->events->listen($name, $callback);
* Call the composer for a given view.
* @param \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View $view
* @return void
public function callComposer(ViewContract $view)
$this->events->dispatch('composing: '.$view->name(), [$view]);
* Call the creator for a given view.
* @param \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View $view
* @return void
public function callCreator(ViewContract $view)
$this->events->dispatch('creating: '.$view->name(), [$view]);
} catch (Throwable $e) {
throw $e;
* Get the contents of the view instance.
* @return string
protected function renderContents()
// We will keep track of the amount of views being rendered so we can flush
// the section after the complete rendering operation is done. This will
// clear out the sections for any separate views that may be rendered.
$contents = $this->getContents();
// Once we've finished rendering the view, we'll decrement the render count
// so that each sections get flushed out next time a view is created and
// no old sections are staying around in the memory of an environment.
return $contents;
* Get the evaluated contents of the view.
* @return string
protected function getContents()
return $this->engine->get($this->path, $this->gatherData());
$this->view = $view;
$this->path = $path;
$this->engine = $engine;
$this->factory = $factory;
$this->data = $data instanceof Arrayable ? $data->toArray() : (array) $data;
* Get the string contents of the view.
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return array|string
* @throws \Throwable
public function render(callable $callback = null)
try {
$contents = $this->renderContents();
$response = isset($callback) ? $callback($this, $contents) : null;
// Once we have the contents of the view, we will flush the sections if we are
// done rendering all views so that there is nothing left hanging over when
// another view gets rendered in the future by the application developer.
return ! is_null($response) ? $response : $contents;
} catch (Throwable $e) {
throw $e;
* Get the contents of the view instance.
* @return string
<?php $__env->startSection('content'); ?>
<?php while(have_posts()): ?> <?php (the_post()); ?>
<?php echo $__env->first(['partials.content-single-' . get_post_type(), 'partials.content-single'], \Illuminate\Support\Arr::except(get_defined_vars(), ['__data', '__path']))->render(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php $__env->stopSection(); ?>
<?php echo $__env->make('layouts.app', \Illuminate\Support\Arr::except(get_defined_vars(), ['__data', '__path']))->render(); ?><?php /**PATH /home/forge/uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/releases/20241113033749/web/app/themes/tfs/resources/views/single.blade.php ENDPATH**/ ?>
* Get the evaluated contents of the view at the given path.
* @param string $__path
* @param array $__data
* @return string
protected function evaluatePath($__path, $__data)
$obLevel = ob_get_level();
extract($__data, EXTR_SKIP);
// We'll evaluate the contents of the view inside a try/catch block so we can
// flush out any stray output that might get out before an error occurs or
// an exception is thrown. This prevents any partial views from leaking.
try {
include $__path;
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->handleViewException($e, $obLevel);
return ltrim(ob_get_clean());
* Handle a view exception.
* @param \Throwable $e
* @param int $obLevel
* @return void
* @throws \Throwable
protected function handleViewException(Throwable $e, $obLevel)
while (ob_get_level() > $obLevel) {
* @param string $path
* @param array $data
* @return string
public function get($path, array $data = [])
$this->lastCompiled[] = $path;
// If this given view has expired, which means it has simply been edited since
// it was last compiled, we will re-compile the views so we can evaluate a
// fresh copy of the view. We'll pass the compiler the path of the view.
if ($this->compiler->isExpired($path)) {
// Once we have the path to the compiled file, we will evaluate the paths with
// typical PHP just like any other templates. We also keep a stack of views
// which have been rendered for right exception messages to be generated.
$results = $this->evaluatePath($this->compiler->getCompiledPath($path), $data);
return $results;
* Handle a view exception.
* @param \Throwable $e
* @param int $obLevel
* @return void
* @throws \Throwable
protected function handleViewException(Throwable $e, $obLevel)
$e = new ViewException($this->getMessage($e), 0, 1, $e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e);
parent::handleViewException($e, $obLevel);
$contents = $this->getContents();
// Once we've finished rendering the view, we'll decrement the render count
// so that each sections get flushed out next time a view is created and
// no old sections are staying around in the memory of an environment.
return $contents;
* Get the evaluated contents of the view.
* @return string
protected function getContents()
return $this->engine->get($this->path, $this->gatherData());
* Get the data bound to the view instance.
* @return array
public function gatherData()
$data = array_merge($this->factory->getShared(), $this->data);
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if ($value instanceof Renderable) {
$data[$key] = $value->render();
return $data;
throw $e;
* Get the contents of the view instance.
* @return string
protected function renderContents()
// We will keep track of the amount of views being rendered so we can flush
// the section after the complete rendering operation is done. This will
// clear out the sections for any separate views that may be rendered.
$contents = $this->getContents();
// Once we've finished rendering the view, we'll decrement the render count
// so that each sections get flushed out next time a view is created and
// no old sections are staying around in the memory of an environment.
return $contents;
* Get the evaluated contents of the view.
* @return string
protected function getContents()
return $this->engine->get($this->path, $this->gatherData());
$this->view = $view;
$this->path = $path;
$this->engine = $engine;
$this->factory = $factory;
$this->data = $data instanceof Arrayable ? $data->toArray() : (array) $data;
* Get the string contents of the view.
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return array|string
* @throws \Throwable
public function render(callable $callback = null)
try {
$contents = $this->renderContents();
$response = isset($callback) ? $callback($this, $contents) : null;
// Once we have the contents of the view, we will flush the sections if we are
// done rendering all views so that there is nothing left hanging over when
// another view gets rendered in the future by the application developer.
return ! is_null($response) ? $response : $contents;
} catch (Throwable $e) {
throw $e;
* Get the contents of the view instance.
* @return string
<!doctype html>
<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
<?php echo \Roots\view(\Roots\app('sage.view'), \Roots\app('sage.data'))->render(); ?>
if ( ! $template ) {
$template = get_index_template();
* Filters the path of the current template before including it.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $template The path of the template to include.
$template = apply_filters( 'template_include', $template );
if ( $template ) {
include $template;
} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
$theme = wp_get_theme();
if ( $theme->errors() ) {
wp_die( $theme->errors() );
* Loads the WordPress environment and template.
* @package WordPress
if ( ! isset( $wp_did_header ) ) {
$wp_did_header = true;
// Load the WordPress library.
require_once __DIR__ . '/wp-load.php';
// Set up the WordPress query.
// Load the theme template.
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';
* WordPress View Bootstrapper
define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);
require __DIR__ . '/wp/wp-blog-header.php';
Key | Value |
query_vars | array:3 [ "page" => "" "name" => "acting-students-explore-themes-of-misery-and-hope-in-stage-production-of-jim-cartwrights-road" "category_name" => "blog" ] |
query_string | "name=acting-students-explore-themes-of-misery-and-hope-in-stage-production-of-jim-cartwrights-road&category_name=blog"
request | "blog/acting-students-explore-themes-of-misery-and-hope-in-stage-production-of-jim-cartwrights-road"
matched_rule | "(.+?)/([^/]+)(?:/([0-9]+))?/?$"
matched_query | "category_name=blog&name=acting-students-explore-themes-of-misery-and-hope-in-stage-production-of-jim-cartwrights-road&page="
did_permalink | true
Key | Value |
query | array:3 [ "page" => "" "name" => "acting-students-explore-themes-of-misery-and-hope-in-stage-production-of-jim-cartwrights-road" "category_name" => "blog" ] |
query_vars | array:66 [ "page" => 0 "name" => "acting-students-explore-themes-of-misery-and-hope-in-stage-production-of-jim-cartwrights-road" "category_name" => "blog" "error" => "" "m" => "" "p" => 0 "post_parent" => "" "subpost" => "" "subpost_id" => "" "attachment" => "" "attachment_id" => 0 "pagename" => "" "page_id" => 0 "second" => "" "minute" => "" "hour" => "" "day" => 0 "monthnum" => 0 "year" => 0 "w" => 0 "tag" => "" "cat" => "" "tag_id" => "" "author" => "" "author_name" => "" "feed" => "" "tb" => "" "paged" => 0 "meta_key" => "" "meta_value" => "" "preview" => "" "s" => "" "sentence" => "" "title" => "" "fields" => "" "menu_order" => "" "embed" => "" "category__in" => [] "category__not_in" => [] "category__and" => [] "post__in" => [] "post__not_in" => [] "post_name__in" => [] "tag__in" => [] "tag__not_in" => [] "tag__and" => [] "tag_slug__in" => [] "tag_slug__and" => [] "post_parent__in" => [] "post_parent__not_in" => [] "author__in" => [] "author__not_in" => [] "search_columns" => [] "ignore_sticky_posts" => false "suppress_filters" => false "cache_results" => true "update_post_term_cache" => true "update_menu_item_cache" => false "lazy_load_term_meta" => true "update_post_meta_cache" => true "post_type" => "" "posts_per_page" => 16 "nopaging" => false "comments_per_page" => "50" "no_found_rows" => false "order" => "DESC" ] |
meta_query | WP_Meta_Query {#2562} |
queried_object | WP_Post {#2563} |
queried_object_id | 26363
request | """ SELECT wp_posts.*\n \t\t\t\t\t FROM wp_posts \n \t\t\t\t\t WHERE 1=1 AND wp_posts.post_name = 'acting-students-explore-themes-of-misery-and-hope-in-stage-production-of-jim-cartwrights-road' AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post'\n \t\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t\t\t ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC\n \t\t\t\t\t """ |
post_count | 1
in_the_loop | true
current_comment | -1
found_posts | 1
is_single | true
is_singular | true
Key | Value |
ID | 26363
post_author | "43"
post_date | "2022-09-06 23:16:45"
post_date_gmt | "2022-09-06 23:16:45"
post_content | """ <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-26364 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2022/09/TFS_ACT_RoadPosterTHUMB_0902.jpg" alt="" width="650" height="450" />\n \n \n <p style="font-weight: 400;">Life is long. Life is hard.</p>\n \n <p style="font-weight: 400;">Those are the two key points hammered home in <em>Road </em>– Toronto Film’s School’s latest stage production about a rundown town and its scruffy, yet hopeful, residents.</p>\n \n <p style="font-weight: 400;">“The town’s inhabitants compel us to look beyond their socially and emotionally miserable lives into what makes them move forward; how they manage to survive their drug- and booze-driven existence,” said Patricia Telford, who’s set to direct her fifth-term <a href="https://staging.torontofilmschool.ca/programs/acting-for-film-tv-and-the-theatre-diploma/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre</a> students in the Jim Cartwright scribed play.</p>\n \n <p style="font-weight: 400;">“Cartwright’s characters ask, ‘Why is the world so hard?’ and ‘Who’s to blame? Me, us, them or God?’ Finding no answers, the people in the town show us how and why they go on.”</p>\n \n \n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26447 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_Road_PlayPosterQR_0909-372x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="372" height="526" />\n \n \n <p style="font-weight: 400;">Telford said she had “quite the experience” exploring such difficult themes with her students – especially in the midst of the times we now live in, and thanked her talented cast for “diving in so completely” on the project.</p>\n \n <p style="font-weight: 400;">“We hope you will find the show entertaining, thought provoking, and ‘somehow a somehow’ help you to escape the mundane and hope for something better – if only for a little while,” she said.</p>\n \n <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Road</em>, which is stage-managed by Megan Morand, will take to the stage at <a href="https://www.nowplayingtoronto.com/venue/the-papermill-theatre/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Papermill Theatre</a> for a three-performance run on Sept. 13, 14 and 15 as follows:</p>\n \n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 9 p.m.</p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 7 p.m.</p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Thursday, Sept. 15 at 9 p.m.</p>\n \n <p style="font-weight: 400;">The Papermill Theatre is located at <a href="https://www.toronto.ca/explore-enjoy/history-art-culture/museums/todmorden-mills/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Todmorden Mills</a>, <a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/67+Pottery+Rd,+Toronto,+ON+M4K+2B9/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x89d4ccbd193228fb:0x8739d86bfa203e42?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiirI6mzZv4AhWfkYkEHTW8ByAQ8gF6BAgCEAE" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">67 Pottery Rd.</a> Tickets are free and are available at the door.</p>\n \n <h2></h2>\n \n <h2 style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>The Creative Team Behind Road:</strong></h2>\n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26367 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_AdelaideSchoofs_0902-526x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="526" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Adélaïde Schoofs as Clare/Chantal</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Adélaïde Schoofs was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec. In 2021, she graduated from the acting program at Saint-Laurent Cegep. She then moved to Toronto to pursue her learning at Toronto Film School, where she studies acting, writing, and directing for Film and TV. Always looking for new challenges, Adélaïde started her career in the professional industry at the age of 16. She had the opportunity to be part of the cast on the second season of the TV series <em>Can You Hear Me </em>(now streaming on Netflix) and the first and second seasons of <em>La Vie Compliquée de Léa Olivier</em>. She has also appeared in multiple commercials and had professional voiceover coaching. She’s able to act in French and in English. Furthermore, Adélaïde spends her free time writing scripts, practicing guitar and skateboarding. She believes that hard work and curiosity are the keys to becoming an accomplished actor.</p>\n \n \n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26368 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_BuotKuet_0902-531x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="531" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Buot Kuet as Professor/Mr. Bald/ Eddy’s Father</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Buot Madit Kuet, the third oldest of five children, was born in Khartoum, Sudan, to Elizabeth Andrea Chol, a social worker who works for a non-profit organization, and Madit B. Kuet, a civil lawyer. Buot’s parents are originally from the south of Sudan, but Buot and the rest of his siblings were born in the north of Sudan, which is now an independent country of its own. Kuet moved to Canada in 1998 with his parents, brothers and older sister. Kuet was raised in a Christian family household, which had a huge influence on his beliefs. Buot Kuet attended Northern Kansas City High School in Kansas City, Missouri, where he took drama acting courses as electives in order to graduate. Kuet was an athlete in school, from junior high all the way to high school, competing in all types of sports, including soccer, baseball, volleyball, basketball, and track and field. Kuet studied marketing for two years at George Brown College. During the pandemic in the summer of 2021, Kuet decided to pursue acting studies at Toronto Film School, which offers a fast-track diploma programs in the areas of film, entertainment, fashion, design, and video games. He is currently in the fifth term of Acting for Film, TV and the Theatre program. Kuet is a long time Toronto resident and a fan of Toronto Raptors basketball team, and the L.A. Lakers. An avid traveller, he is often seen posting pictures on Instagram on places he travelled to and visited. Kuet is proficient in playing guitar and can sing a little, he has also self-taught himself on how to drive and operate a vehicle that’s manually driven, and written and directed his own silent film movies.</p>\n \n \n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26369 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_AlyaDaneault_0902-528x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="528" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Alya Daneault as Louise</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Alya Daneault was born and raised in Saint-Eustache, Quebec and now lives in Toronto, Ontario. She speaks two languages fluently, French being her native language and English. When she was younger, Alya appeared in several music videos, which is one of the reasons she fell in love with acting. The first reason was because of the movie Martha Marcy May Merlene. Alya is currently enrolled at Toronto Film School in the Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre program. Along with her passion for acting, Alya loves lacrosse, which she played for two years in high school, soccer for 15 years, and snowboarding since 2015. Some of her other talents include knowing how to drive stick. Alya studies and works hard to become a successful actor and scriptwriter.</p>\n \n \n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26370 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_JamesFerreira_0902-529x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="529" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>James Ferreira as Brink/Soldier</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">James Ferreira was born in Toronto, Ontario and raised\n in Mississauga. He is currently a student at Toronto Film School, where he’s studying acting, writing, and directing for film and TV. While in school, he created a short film called <em>Role Models</em>, which he not only wrote, directed, and starred in, but also produced and edited. After attending York University for English and Wilfred Laurier University for film production, he finally set his sights on acting and auditioned for Toronto Film School. He spends his free time skateboarding, driving, and playing guitar – all skills he hopes to incorporate into future acting roles. James is currently submitting his short film into festivals and plans to continue with his studies and work towards a successful acting career.</p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong> </strong></p>\n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26371 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_JilKindlimann_0902-526x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="526" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Jil Kindlimann as Carol</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Jil Kidman was born and raised in Switzerland and moved to Toronto to pursue her career in acting. She’s bilingual in English and German. Growing up in Switzerland, skiing and snowboarding were a big part of her life. She also enjoyed gymnastics and cheerleading. She has a background in music, which began with the violin and later shifted towards singing and song writing. She hopes to incorporate her musical skills into her acting career. At Toronto Film School, she has starred in the student films <em>Rebel</em> and<em> Immersion</em>. Overall, Jil is passionate about the psychology behind acting and telling other people’s stories.</p>\n \n \n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26372 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_JoshuaBishop_0902-530x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="530" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Joshua Bishop as Scullery</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Joshua Bishop is an actor from Hamilton, Ontario who is currently studying acting at Toronto Film School. During his time at TFS, he wrote and starred in his own short comedy <em>Audition 027</em>, where he played an ornery casting director for a Sprite commercial. He has also accumulated acting credits in multiple student films, including a leading role in Jennifer Bendle’s <em>Runners</em>, in which he played Levi, a father who has just lost his infant child. In addition to acting, Joshua is a promising screenplay writer with a passion for witty comedy and honest, human-driven dramas. He is looking forward to completing his studies and then diving headfirst into the industry with the stories and characters he has been creating over the past years. In his personal time Josh enjoys playing or watching any sport with a ball/puck and watching <em>Peaky Blinders</em> on repeat.</p>\n \n \n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26373 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_KieranStephenson_0902-533x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="533" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Kieran Stephenson as Joey/Brian</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong> </strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Kieran Stephenson was born and raised in Guelph, Ontario, but moved to Toronto to pursue his acting career. Kieran is currently studying Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre program at Toronto Film School. Since moving to Toronto, Kieran has appeared in several short films, including <em>Making A Friend</em> and <em>Speaking Silence</em>. Kieran has wanted to be an actor his whole life and was a part of every school theatre production he was able to join, but only recently kicked off his career after a deep epiphany occurred after life changing circumstances. Kieran has worked as a receptionist and as a restaurant manager and hopes to one day bring those experiences to life in projects. Kieran is currently writing a mockumentary-style short film that will utilize his piloting and musical skills in a unique and fun way. At the end of the day, all Kieran wants is to utilize his passion for acting and bring stories to life by continuing to put in the work and make a name for himself in the industry.</p>\n \n \n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26374 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_LiamStrickerBurrowes_0902-529x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="529" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Liam Stricker Burrowes as Brother/Eddy/Blowpipe/Barry</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Liam Stricker-Burrowes grew up in the town of Listowel, Ontario. He got his start in acting when he attended Listowel District Secondary School, where he starred as Ichabod Crane in <em>The Legend of Sleepy Hollow</em> and as Gary Coleman in <em>Avenue Q: School Edition</em>. From 2012 to 2019, he was in a punk rock band called Chachi on Acid, where he sang back-up vocals and played the bass guitar. In 2021, he came to Toronto to pursue a career in acting. He is currently studying in the Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre program at Toronto Film School, where he directed a short silent film called <em>Dead Roses For Me</em>.</p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong> </strong></p>\n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26375 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_MadelyneWalelo_0902-530x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="530" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Madelyne Walelo as Dor</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Madelyne Walelo was born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario and lived in Gatineau, Quebec for four years. She is now living in the GTA, going to Toronto Film School. She is currently in her fifth term, studying all kinds of roles found in the industry. She has a background in music, playing piano since she was four years old, and has been going on stage singing since she was five years old. She hopes to use all her skills for the greater good, helping people through music, theatre and film.</p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong> </strong></p>\n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26376 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_MaralBannayan_0902-533x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="533" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Maral Bannayan as Skinlass/Brenda</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Maral Bannayan was born in Calgary, Alberta and is now living in Toronto. Maral is part-Arab and part-Armenian, and lived in the Middle East for a portion of her life. Since childhood, she has always loved film and acting and always used film as expression of herself and/or her emotions. She credits <em>Star Wars</em> for making her fall in love with film and acting. Now in her fifth term of the Acting program at Toronto Film School, she will soon set out for auditions. Outside of film and acting, Maral loves a good adventures – be travelling to new cities, or exploring the city she lives in on her free time. She’s also interested in psychology, welding, and forensics. While Maral’s number one goal is to appear in feature films, her backup is being a forensic psychologist.</p>\n \n \n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26377 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_MelissaParsons_0902-529x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="529" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Melissa Parsons as Lane/Marion</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Melissa Parsons was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta and now lives in Toronto, Ontario. She is currently a fifth term film student at Toronto Film School in the Acting\n for Film, TV & the Theatre program. Her acting journey began during her high school production program, when she played the lead in one play, as well as supporting roles in a few different musicals, including <em>West Side Story</em>. She enjoys having a place where she can express her creativity. Her goal is to be able to share this place with others and explore whatever opportunities come her way.</p>\n \n \n \n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26378" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_MikaylaKing_0902-530x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="530" height="526" /> </strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Mikayla King as Courtney/Mrs. Bald</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Mikayla King is a fifth-term student at TFS in the Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre program. Growing up watching her favourite shows, she always wanted to be on screen. When she got to elementary school, she joined an after-school club that put on plays and songs and she immediately fell in love with acting. As she moved into high school, she learned more about what it’s like to be on stage. Along with acting, another passion of Mikayla’s is singing – a skill she hopes to incorporate into her work in the future, whether it be movies, shows, or even musicals.</p>\n \n \n \n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26379" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_NoNameCast_0902-527x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="527" height="526" /></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Refka Al-Kuni as Valerie/Molly</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Refka Al-Kuni born in Iraq and moved to Toronto, Ontario in 2011. She can speak three languages: Assyrian, Arabic, and English. After graduating from the Business Management program at Humber College in 2021, she enrolled in the Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre program at Toronto Film School. During her studies at TFS, she had the opportunity to create and direct the short silent film, <em>Immersion</em>. She also had the opportunity to take on a role in the short film <em>Speaking Silence</em>. Outside of the creative world, she enjoys swimming and dancing.</p>\n \n \n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26380 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_VivienHawryszko_0902-529x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="529" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Vivien Hawryszko as Helen</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Vivien Hawryszko was born and raised in Red Deer, Alberta and relocated to Toronto in 2021. She is currently studying in the Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre program at Toronto Film School. When she was in high school, Vivien took part in the Canadian Improv Games, getting the opportunity to compete at Nationals. She has since been involved in many stage productions over the years and has experience in stage managing, stage combat, gymnastics and writing.</p>\n \n \n \n \n <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26381 aligncenter" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_PatriciaTedford_0902-530x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="530" height="526" />\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Patricia Tedford – Director</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Over a 30-year career as an actor, director, teacher, and now writer, Patricia has lived and worked in Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa and Sudbury. Patricia’s most current endeavor was <em>St. Ella of the Camino</em>, a one-person show she wrote, performed and produced. The world premiere of <em>St. Ella of the Camino</em> marked Patricia first writing venture and was performed in October of 2019. Other recent performances in Sudbury include: <em>Escape from Happiness</em> (Thorneloe Theatre), <em>Shakespeare’s Will</em> (Text Me Productions 2011, 2016), <em>Hay Fever</em> (Thorneloe Theatre), <em>Henry and Alice Into the Wild</em> (Blue Water Summer Playhouse), <em>Our Town, How It Works</em> (Sudbury Theatre Centre), <em>Muskeg and Money</em> (North Road Theatre), and <em>Faith Healer</em> (ImPulse Theatre/Text Me Productions). Her most recent film is an ongoing project that was developed in yearly chapters over nine years: <em>Perspective</em>, which premiered in September 2020 at Cinéfest in Sudbury. Patricia is the Founder/Artistic Director/Producer of Text Me Productions in Sudbury since 2012. She was the Founder/Artistic Director/Producer of Ottawa Lunchbox Theatre, 2004-2007. Patricia holds a BFA with a Specialization in Performance from Concordia University, an MFA in Acting, and the Stand- Alone Voice Teacher Diploma from York University. For TFS, she directed <em>Measure for Measure</em> on Zoom in March 2022.</p>\n \n \n \n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-26382" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_MegMorand_0902-528x526-1.jpg" alt="" width="528" height="526" /></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;"><strong>Megan Morand – Stage Manager</strong></p>\n <p style="font-weight: 400; text-align: center;">Megan Morand is a working actress born in Windsor, Ontario. Megan’s acting career started at the age of four, when she began taking part in theatre productions with The Lakeshore Academy of Fine Arts (LAFA). Megan worked with LAFA for close to 10 years before transitioning into the world of TV and Film with LAFA’s talent agency, Fusion, managed by Sarah Illijanich. Megan has had extensive training in theatre and film. She has taken the Stella Adler auditioning 101 class, as well as multiple intensive courses with LAFA. Megan is a recent honours graduate of the Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre diploma program at Toronto Film School. While there, Megan had to opportunity to train with several seasoned industry professionals such as Ingrid Hart, John Tench, Patricia Tedford and Jonathan Higgins, among others. Some of her notable roles from her time at TFS include Mary Snow in Catherine McNally’s <em>Salt Water Moon</em>, The Herald in Jonathan Whittaker’s production of <em>Marat Sade</em>, and her most notable role as the Duke in <em>Measure for Measure</em>, directed by Patricia Tedford. Although she has a rich theatrical background, Megan has developed a passion for film and television and hopes to transition into more serious film work. Megan’s most recent film roles include Michelle in <em>The Spike Ball Chronicles</em> and Megan in <em>Extra Large Medium</em>. Megan also has professional training in Dialects and has a passion for voiceover and animation. In her free time, Megan is an avid athlete and has played competitive-level soccer for nearly 15 years. Megan also enjoys snowboarding, volleyball, and dance. She has classical piano training as well as experience in martial arts as a second Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo.</p>\n \n \n """ |
post_title | "Acting Students Explore Themes of Misery and Hope in Stage Production of Jim Cartwright's Road"
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