Film Production

“Experience of a Lifetime” – Toronto Film School at the CFC BBQ

On Sunday, Sept 9, 2018, Toronto Film School was proud to sponsor the Canadian Film Centre (CFC) 30th annual BBQ at the Winfield Farms Estates in North Toronto.



A gathering of international filmmakers, television professionals, performers, digital media creators and entrepreneurs, the CFC BBQ is one of the most anticipated events during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Not only was it an opportunity for our faculty, who are all industry professionals, to network, but the event allowed Toronto Film School alumni to reconnect with teachers and staff in attendance.



“It is incredibly rewarding to see former students and current students at events like this because you just realize how small the distance is from being in school to actually being in the industry,” said Leah Walker, screenwriter, director and Toronto Film School Instructor.



Senior Director of Education at Toronto Film School, Paula Schneer, echoed Walker’s sentiments, adding it was incredible to catch up with a number of graduates and hear about the success they are having in the industry.

“We were thrilled to sponsor the CFC BBQ, it was the ultimate networking opportunity,” Schneer said.



The CFC was founded 30 years ago by Oscar-nominated Canadian director Norman Jewison. It is a charitable organization that supports and develops Canadian creative and entrepreneurial talent. For recent Film Production graduate and current production intern at Toronto Film School Darcy Love, attending this event at the CFC was an incredible experience.

“Having the opportunity to be in the presence of Norman Jewison, a Canadian Film Legend, was a once in a lifetime opportunity,” Love said. “As a former student of the Toronto Film School, it was inspiring to see other graduates who have accomplished so much in their own careers come together to support and represent the school at this event.”



The Best and Worst Video Game Adaptations of All Time, Ranked

Video game adaptations have been notoriously hit or miss. For execs, taking a smash-hit videogame with an already massive following and turning it into a film or show seems like a no-brainer. And given the visual nature of games, you’d also expect them to translate quite seamlessly to the big (or small) screen. Yet, the …Read more