
Setting Fire to Fabric: Inside a Toronto Film School Class in Textile Burn Tests

What can you tell by setting fire to fabric? A lot, according to Pat Kline, a textiles instructor in the Toronto Film School’s Marketing for Fashion & Entertainment Diploma program.



“Good textile buyers are able to distinguish instantly between wool, a polyester, acrylic or acetate,” Kline said. “You can do that by the burning characteristics and also by the smell.”

This video is a look inside a lesson in textile burn tests, where students learn to identify fabric by their burn characteristics.

Visit Toronto Film School to find out more about its programs.


The Best and Worst Video Game Adaptations of All Time, Ranked

Video game adaptations have been notoriously hit or miss. For execs, taking a smash-hit videogame with an already massive following and turning it into a film or show seems like a no-brainer. And given the visual nature of games, you’d also expect them to translate quite seamlessly to the big (or small) screen. Yet, the …Read more