* @package org.cocur.slugify
* @author Florian Eckerstorfer <florian@eckerstorfer.co>
* @author Marchenko Alexandr
* @copyright 2012-2014 Florian Eckerstorfer
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License
interface SlugifyInterface
* Return a URL safe version of a string.
* @param string $string
* @param string|array|null $options
* @return string
* @api
public function slugify(string $string, array|string|null $options = null): string;
"syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) (View: /home/forge/uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/releases/20241113033749/web/app/themes/tfs/resources/views/single.blade.php)"
* @param string $__path
* @param array $__data
* @return string
protected function evaluatePath($__path, $__data)
$obLevel = ob_get_level();
extract($__data, EXTR_SKIP);
// We'll evaluate the contents of the view inside a try/catch block so we can
// flush out any stray output that might get out before an error occurs or
// an exception is thrown. This prevents any partial views from leaking.
try {
include $__path;
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->handleViewException($e, $obLevel);
return ltrim(ob_get_clean());
* Handle a view exception.
* @param \Throwable $e
* @param int $obLevel
* @return void
* @throws \Throwable
protected function handleViewException(Throwable $e, $obLevel)
while (ob_get_level() > $obLevel) {
* @package org.cocur.slugify
* @author Florian Eckerstorfer <florian@eckerstorfer.co>
* @author Marchenko Alexandr
* @copyright 2012-2014 Florian Eckerstorfer
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT The MIT License
interface SlugifyInterface
* Return a URL safe version of a string.
* @param string $string
* @param string|array|null $options
* @return string
* @api
public function slugify(string $string, array|string|null $options = null): string;
"syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)"
public function unregister()
spl_autoload_unregister(array($this, 'loadClass'));
if (null !== $this->vendorDir) {
* Loads the given class or interface.
* @param string $class The name of the class
* @return true|null True if loaded, null otherwise
public function loadClass($class)
if ($file = $this->findFile($class)) {
$includeFile = self::$includeFile;
return true;
return null;
* Finds the path to the file where the class is defined.
* @param string $class The name of the class
* @return string|false The path if found, false otherwise
public function findFile($class)
// class map lookup
if (isset($this->classMap[$class])) {
return $this->classMap[$class];
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE.md
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace TOC;
use Cocur\Slugify\Slugify;
use Cocur\Slugify\SlugifyInterface;
* UniqueSlugify creates slugs from text without repeating the same slug twice per instance
* @author Casey McLaughlin <caseyamcl@gmail.com>
class UniqueSlugify implements SlugifyInterface
* @var SlugifyInterface
private $slugify;
* @var array
private $used;
* Constructor
* @param SlugifyInterface|null $slugify
public function __construct(?SlugifyInterface $slugify = null)
$this->used = array();
$this->slugify = $slugify ?: new Slugify();
* @return void
private static function initializeIncludeClosure()
if (self::$includeFile !== null) {
* Scope isolated include.
* Prevents access to $this/self from included files.
* @param string $file
* @return void
self::$includeFile = \Closure::bind(static function($file) {
include $file;
}, null, null);
public function unregister()
spl_autoload_unregister(array($this, 'loadClass'));
if (null !== $this->vendorDir) {
* Loads the given class or interface.
* @param string $class The name of the class
* @return true|null True if loaded, null otherwise
public function loadClass($class)
if ($file = $this->findFile($class)) {
$includeFile = self::$includeFile;
return true;
return null;
* Finds the path to the file where the class is defined.
* @param string $class The name of the class
* @return string|false The path if found, false otherwise
public function findFile($class)
// class map lookup
if (isset($this->classMap[$class])) {
return $this->classMap[$class];
* @var HTML5
private $htmlParser;
* @var SlugifyInterface
private $slugifier;
* Constructor
* @param HTML5|null $htmlParser
* @param SlugifyInterface|null $slugify
public function __construct(?HTML5 $htmlParser = null, ?SlugifyInterface $slugify = null)
$this->htmlParser = $htmlParser ?? new HTML5();
$this->slugifier = $slugify ?? new UniqueSlugify();
* Fix markup
* @param string $markup
* @param int $topLevel
* @param int $depth
* @return string Markup with added IDs
* @throws RuntimeException
public function fix(string $markup, int $topLevel = 1, int $depth = 6): string
if (! $this->isFullHtmlDocument($markup)) {
$partialID = uniqid('toc_generator_');
$markup = sprintf("<body id='%s'>%s</body>", $partialID, $markup);
$domDocument = $this->htmlParser->loadHTML($markup);
$domDocument->preserveWhiteSpace = true; // do not clobber whitespace
namespace App\View\Composers;
use DOMDocument;
use Roots\Acorn\View\Composer;
class BlogPost extends Composer
protected static $views = [
public function override()
$fields = get_fields();
$htmlContent = apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() );
$markupFixer = new \TOC\MarkupFixer();
$tocGenerator = new \TOC\TocGenerator();
$htmlContent = $markupFixer->fix($htmlContent);
$fields['toc'] = $tocGenerator->getOrderedHtmlMenu($htmlContent);
$fields['the_content'] = $htmlContent;
$fields['the_category'] = $this->getCategory();
return $fields;
public function getCategory() {
$category = null;
if(get_the_terms(get_the_id(), 'category')) {
foreach(get_the_terms(get_the_id(), 'category') as $term) {
if($term->name !== "Blog" && $term->name !== "Events" && $term->name !== "News") {
$category = $term;
return $category;
public function compose(View $view)
$this->view = $view;
$this->data = new Fluent($view->getData());
* Data to be merged and passed to the view before rendering.
* @return array
protected function merge()
return array_merge(
* Data to be passed to view before rendering
* @return array
protected function with()
return [];
* Data to be passed to view before rendering
* @return array
protected function override()
return static::$views;
$view = array_slice(explode('\\', static::class), 3);
$view = array_map([Str::class, 'snake'], $view, array_fill(0, count($view), '-'));
return implode('/', $view);
* Compose the view before rendering.
* @param \Illuminate\View\View $view
* @return void
public function compose(View $view)
$this->view = $view;
$this->data = new Fluent($view->getData());
* Data to be merged and passed to the view before rendering.
* @return array
protected function merge()
return array_merge(
* Data to be passed to view before rendering
* @return array
return $callback;
* Build a class based container callback Closure.
* @param string $class
* @param string $prefix
* @return \Closure
protected function buildClassEventCallback($class, $prefix)
[$class, $method] = $this->parseClassEvent($class, $prefix);
// Once we have the class and method name, we can build the Closure to resolve
// the instance out of the IoC container and call the method on it with the
// given arguments that are passed to the Closure as the composer's data.
return function () use ($class, $method) {
return $this->container->make($class)->{$method}(...func_get_args());
* Parse a class based composer name.
* @param string $class
* @param string $prefix
* @return array
protected function parseClassEvent($class, $prefix)
return Str::parseCallback($class, $this->classEventMethodForPrefix($prefix));
* Determine the class event method based on the given prefix.
* @param string $prefix
* @return string
* @param \Closure|string $listener
* @param bool $wildcard
* @return \Closure
public function makeListener($listener, $wildcard = false)
if (is_string($listener)) {
return $this->createClassListener($listener, $wildcard);
if (is_array($listener) && isset($listener[0]) && is_string($listener[0])) {
return $this->createClassListener($listener, $wildcard);
return function ($event, $payload) use ($listener, $wildcard) {
if ($wildcard) {
return $listener($event, $payload);
return $listener(...array_values($payload));
* Create a class based listener using the IoC container.
* @param string $listener
* @param bool $wildcard
* @return \Closure
public function createClassListener($listener, $wildcard = false)
return function ($event, $payload) use ($listener, $wildcard) {
if ($wildcard) {
return call_user_func($this->createClassCallable($listener), $event, $payload);
$callable = $this->createClassCallable($listener);
return $callable(...array_values($payload));
* @param bool $halt
* @return array|null
public function dispatch($event, $payload = [], $halt = false)
// When the given "event" is actually an object we will assume it is an event
// object and use the class as the event name and this event itself as the
// payload to the handler, which makes object based events quite simple.
[$event, $payload] = $this->parseEventAndPayload(
$event, $payload
if ($this->shouldBroadcast($payload)) {
$responses = [];
foreach ($this->getListeners($event) as $listener) {
$response = $listener($event, $payload);
// If a response is returned from the listener and event halting is enabled
// we will just return this response, and not call the rest of the event
// listeners. Otherwise we will add the response on the response list.
if ($halt && ! is_null($response)) {
return $response;
// If a boolean false is returned from a listener, we will stop propagating
// the event to any further listeners down in the chain, else we keep on
// looping through the listeners and firing every one in our sequence.
if ($response === false) {
$responses[] = $response;
return $halt ? null : $responses;
protected function addEventListener($name, $callback)
if (Str::contains($name, '*')) {
$callback = function ($name, array $data) use ($callback) {
return $callback($data[0]);
$this->events->listen($name, $callback);
* Call the composer for a given view.
* @param \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View $view
* @return void
public function callComposer(ViewContract $view)
$this->events->dispatch('composing: '.$view->name(), [$view]);
* Call the creator for a given view.
* @param \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View $view
* @return void
public function callCreator(ViewContract $view)
$this->events->dispatch('creating: '.$view->name(), [$view]);
} catch (Throwable $e) {
throw $e;
* Get the contents of the view instance.
* @return string
protected function renderContents()
// We will keep track of the amount of views being rendered so we can flush
// the section after the complete rendering operation is done. This will
// clear out the sections for any separate views that may be rendered.
$contents = $this->getContents();
// Once we've finished rendering the view, we'll decrement the render count
// so that each sections get flushed out next time a view is created and
// no old sections are staying around in the memory of an environment.
return $contents;
* Get the evaluated contents of the view.
* @return string
protected function getContents()
return $this->engine->get($this->path, $this->gatherData());
$this->view = $view;
$this->path = $path;
$this->engine = $engine;
$this->factory = $factory;
$this->data = $data instanceof Arrayable ? $data->toArray() : (array) $data;
* Get the string contents of the view.
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return array|string
* @throws \Throwable
public function render(callable $callback = null)
try {
$contents = $this->renderContents();
$response = isset($callback) ? $callback($this, $contents) : null;
// Once we have the contents of the view, we will flush the sections if we are
// done rendering all views so that there is nothing left hanging over when
// another view gets rendered in the future by the application developer.
return ! is_null($response) ? $response : $contents;
} catch (Throwable $e) {
throw $e;
* Get the contents of the view instance.
* @return string
<?php $__env->startSection('content'); ?>
<?php while(have_posts()): ?> <?php (the_post()); ?>
<?php echo $__env->first(['partials.content-single-' . get_post_type(), 'partials.content-single'], \Illuminate\Support\Arr::except(get_defined_vars(), ['__data', '__path']))->render(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php $__env->stopSection(); ?>
<?php echo $__env->make('layouts.app', \Illuminate\Support\Arr::except(get_defined_vars(), ['__data', '__path']))->render(); ?><?php /**PATH /home/forge/uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/releases/20241113033749/web/app/themes/tfs/resources/views/single.blade.php ENDPATH**/ ?>
* Get the evaluated contents of the view at the given path.
* @param string $__path
* @param array $__data
* @return string
protected function evaluatePath($__path, $__data)
$obLevel = ob_get_level();
extract($__data, EXTR_SKIP);
// We'll evaluate the contents of the view inside a try/catch block so we can
// flush out any stray output that might get out before an error occurs or
// an exception is thrown. This prevents any partial views from leaking.
try {
include $__path;
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->handleViewException($e, $obLevel);
return ltrim(ob_get_clean());
* Handle a view exception.
* @param \Throwable $e
* @param int $obLevel
* @return void
* @throws \Throwable
protected function handleViewException(Throwable $e, $obLevel)
while (ob_get_level() > $obLevel) {
* @param string $path
* @param array $data
* @return string
public function get($path, array $data = [])
$this->lastCompiled[] = $path;
// If this given view has expired, which means it has simply been edited since
// it was last compiled, we will re-compile the views so we can evaluate a
// fresh copy of the view. We'll pass the compiler the path of the view.
if ($this->compiler->isExpired($path)) {
// Once we have the path to the compiled file, we will evaluate the paths with
// typical PHP just like any other templates. We also keep a stack of views
// which have been rendered for right exception messages to be generated.
$results = $this->evaluatePath($this->compiler->getCompiledPath($path), $data);
return $results;
* Handle a view exception.
* @param \Throwable $e
* @param int $obLevel
* @return void
* @throws \Throwable
protected function handleViewException(Throwable $e, $obLevel)
$e = new ViewException($this->getMessage($e), 0, 1, $e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e);
parent::handleViewException($e, $obLevel);
$contents = $this->getContents();
// Once we've finished rendering the view, we'll decrement the render count
// so that each sections get flushed out next time a view is created and
// no old sections are staying around in the memory of an environment.
return $contents;
* Get the evaluated contents of the view.
* @return string
protected function getContents()
return $this->engine->get($this->path, $this->gatherData());
* Get the data bound to the view instance.
* @return array
public function gatherData()
$data = array_merge($this->factory->getShared(), $this->data);
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if ($value instanceof Renderable) {
$data[$key] = $value->render();
return $data;
throw $e;
* Get the contents of the view instance.
* @return string
protected function renderContents()
// We will keep track of the amount of views being rendered so we can flush
// the section after the complete rendering operation is done. This will
// clear out the sections for any separate views that may be rendered.
$contents = $this->getContents();
// Once we've finished rendering the view, we'll decrement the render count
// so that each sections get flushed out next time a view is created and
// no old sections are staying around in the memory of an environment.
return $contents;
* Get the evaluated contents of the view.
* @return string
protected function getContents()
return $this->engine->get($this->path, $this->gatherData());
$this->view = $view;
$this->path = $path;
$this->engine = $engine;
$this->factory = $factory;
$this->data = $data instanceof Arrayable ? $data->toArray() : (array) $data;
* Get the string contents of the view.
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return array|string
* @throws \Throwable
public function render(callable $callback = null)
try {
$contents = $this->renderContents();
$response = isset($callback) ? $callback($this, $contents) : null;
// Once we have the contents of the view, we will flush the sections if we are
// done rendering all views so that there is nothing left hanging over when
// another view gets rendered in the future by the application developer.
return ! is_null($response) ? $response : $contents;
} catch (Throwable $e) {
throw $e;
* Get the contents of the view instance.
* @return string
<!doctype html>
<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
<?php echo \Roots\view(\Roots\app('sage.view'), \Roots\app('sage.data'))->render(); ?>
if ( ! $template ) {
$template = get_index_template();
* Filters the path of the current template before including it.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $template The path of the template to include.
$template = apply_filters( 'template_include', $template );
if ( $template ) {
include $template;
} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
$theme = wp_get_theme();
if ( $theme->errors() ) {
wp_die( $theme->errors() );
* Loads the WordPress environment and template.
* @package WordPress
if ( ! isset( $wp_did_header ) ) {
$wp_did_header = true;
// Load the WordPress library.
require_once __DIR__ . '/wp-load.php';
// Set up the WordPress query.
// Load the theme template.
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';
* WordPress View Bootstrapper
define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);
require __DIR__ . '/wp/wp-blog-header.php';
Key | Value |
query_vars | array:3 [ "page" => "" "name" => "toronto-film-school-presents-virtual-stage-production-of-al-one" "category_name" => "blog" ] |
query_string | "name=toronto-film-school-presents-virtual-stage-production-of-al-one&category_name=blog"
request | "blog/toronto-film-school-presents-virtual-stage-production-of-al-one"
matched_rule | "(.+?)/([^/]+)(?:/([0-9]+))?/?$"
matched_query | "category_name=blog&name=toronto-film-school-presents-virtual-stage-production-of-al-one&page="
did_permalink | true
Key | Value |
query | array:3 [ "page" => "" "name" => "toronto-film-school-presents-virtual-stage-production-of-al-one" "category_name" => "blog" ] |
query_vars | array:66 [ "page" => 0 "name" => "toronto-film-school-presents-virtual-stage-production-of-al-one" "category_name" => "blog" "error" => "" "m" => "" "p" => 0 "post_parent" => "" "subpost" => "" "subpost_id" => "" "attachment" => "" "attachment_id" => 0 "pagename" => "" "page_id" => 0 "second" => "" "minute" => "" "hour" => "" "day" => 0 "monthnum" => 0 "year" => 0 "w" => 0 "tag" => "" "cat" => "" "tag_id" => "" "author" => "" "author_name" => "" "feed" => "" "tb" => "" "paged" => 0 "meta_key" => "" "meta_value" => "" "preview" => "" "s" => "" "sentence" => "" "title" => "" "fields" => "" "menu_order" => "" "embed" => "" "category__in" => [] "category__not_in" => [] "category__and" => [] "post__in" => [] "post__not_in" => [] "post_name__in" => [] "tag__in" => [] "tag__not_in" => [] "tag__and" => [] "tag_slug__in" => [] "tag_slug__and" => [] "post_parent__in" => [] "post_parent__not_in" => [] "author__in" => [] "author__not_in" => [] "search_columns" => [] "ignore_sticky_posts" => false "suppress_filters" => false "cache_results" => true "update_post_term_cache" => true "update_menu_item_cache" => false "lazy_load_term_meta" => true "update_post_meta_cache" => true "post_type" => "" "posts_per_page" => 16 "nopaging" => false "comments_per_page" => "50" "no_found_rows" => false "order" => "DESC" ] |
meta_query | WP_Meta_Query {#2562} |
queried_object | WP_Post {#2563} |
queried_object_id | 22451
request | """ SELECT wp_posts.*\n \t\t\t\t\t FROM wp_posts \n \t\t\t\t\t WHERE 1=1 AND wp_posts.post_name = 'toronto-film-school-presents-virtual-stage-production-of-al-one' AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post'\n \t\t\t\t\t \n \t\t\t\t\t ORDER BY wp_posts.post_date DESC\n \t\t\t\t\t """ |
post_count | 1
in_the_loop | true
current_comment | -1
found_posts | 1
is_single | true
is_singular | true
Key | Value |
ID | 22451
post_author | "43"
post_date | "2021-03-09 22:25:30"
post_date_gmt | "2021-03-09 22:25:30"
post_content | """ Alone. Together. One. All one.\n \n <strong> </strong>\n \n Toronto Film School’s upcoming production of <em><a href="https://create.torontofilmschool.ca/showcase/Alone">AL/ONE</a>,</em> directed by <a href="https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3284633/">Rosanna Saracino</a>, began with a simple discussion amongst a fifth-term <a href="https://staging.torontofilmschool.ca/programs/acting-for-film-tv-and-the-theatre-diploma/">Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre</a> class about where they found themselves in the face of the world today.\n \n \n \n “Lockdowns, massacres, protests, pandemic, riots, attacks. We discussed isolation and how alone we found ourselves. We looked out to the world – Canada, U.S., Rwanda, Korea, Turkey, Nigeria, Russia, Mexico, Poland, Italy, and more – seeking connection,” Saracino said of the inspiration behind <em>AL/ONE</em>.\n \n \n \n “We saw division – governments, technologies, us versus them. But we persisted. We sought unity amidst the division. We sought to remember that which makes us all human.”\n \n \n \n [caption id="attachment_22526" align="aligncenter" width="334"]<img class="wp-image-22526 size-medium" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS-21W-ALONE-ZoeRod-POSTER-334x526-1.jpg" alt="AL/ONE poster" width="334" height="526" /> Poster Design by Zoe Rod[/caption]\n \n \n \n Using those initial discussions as a starting point, Saracino and her class of nine students then embarked on an exercise in devised theatre – a collective creation process in which performers and directors use a variety of forms of improvisation, research and investigation, physical theatre, and discussion to arrive at a play production.\n \n \n \n In the end, they landed on <em>AL/ONE</em>.\n \n \n \n “We found that we are ALONE, but we are also ALL ONE,” Saracino explained. “This is us, and this is our play, <em>AL/ONE</em>.”\n \n \n \n The 75-minute play, which was stage managed by Katrina Phang-Lyn, will take to the virtual stage for a three-performance run on the evenings of March 24, 25 and 26 as follows:\n \n \n <p style="text-align: center;">Wednesday, March 24 – 8 p.m. (EDT)</p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">Thursday, March 25 – 8 p.m. (EDT)</p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">Friday, March 26 – 8 p.m. (EDT)</p>\n \n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>***Click</strong><strong> </strong><strong><a href="https://create.torontofilmschool.ca/showcase/Alone/">here</a> to livestream any of the above performances***</strong></p>\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong> </strong><strong> </strong></p>\n \n <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>The Creative Team Behind</strong> <em><strong>AL/ONE</strong></em><strong>:</strong></h2>\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong> </strong></p>\n <img class="aligncenter wp-image-22460 size-medium" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_ALONE_RamazanBasak_0309-526x526-1.jpg" alt="Headshot of Ramazan Basak" width="526" height="526" />\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Ramazan Basak</strong></p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">“Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Let’s begin.” Ramazan Basak started his new career in acting in 2019 at the Toronto Film School. He has been called a natural actor by his colleagues and mentors. He can speak and write Kurdish, Turkish and English fluently and Arabic at an intermediate level. He is energetic, passionate and athletic. He is also interested in film production and writing. He is a good storyteller and aiming to use his experiences in different fields to advance his acting career.</p>\n \n \n <img class="aligncenter wp-image-22461 size-medium" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_ALONE_ManuelDaCruz_0309-526x526-1.jpg" alt="Headshot of Manuel Da Cruz" width="526" height="526" />\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Manuel Da Cruz</strong></p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">Manuel Da Cruz is an acting student at Toronto Film School. He has been in two theatre productions – one a production of <em>Holes, </em>based on the book by Louis Sachar, and the other an original called <em>Look At You</em>. Manuel was also in a music video produced by some of his fellow TFS students.</p>\n \n \n <img class="aligncenter wp-image-22462 size-medium" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_ALONE_DanielGuther_0309-527x526-1.jpg" alt="Headshot of Dan Guther" width="527" height="526" />\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Dan Guther</strong></p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">Dan Guther was born in Burlington, Ontario. He is a Term 5 student in TFS’s Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre program. Dan has performed in a number of works on stage such as <em>The Canadian Collectives</em>, <em>Anton Chekhov</em>, and <em>Paradise Lost</em>. Hid film, television and commercial credits include <em>A Fuller Day, Happy, Hell to Paige </em>and <em>Safety First</em>. He is currently developing his second short film, <em>Duality</em>. Prior to acting, Dan served in the Royal Canadian Army Cadet program, received a certification in firefighting from Texas A&M University and worked as a real estate sales professional in the GTA. Dan enjoys writing, singing, fitness and all things film.</p>\n \n \n <img class="aligncenter wp-image-22463 size-medium" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_ALONE_NiyahLewis_0309-526x526-1.jpg" alt="Headshot of Niyah Lewis" width="526" height="526" />\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Niyah Lewis</strong></p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">Niyah Lewis grew up in Toronto for the majority of his life before taking the move up north to Barrie to stay away from the violence in the city. During his time in Barrie, he was inspired by action movies and decided to become a boxer in high school. A month later, he joined the wrestling team and earned a purple belt in Judo. After high school, acting sparked Niyah’s interest, and he enrolled at the Toronto Film School to mold himself into an elite actor. Niyah acted in several films at TFS, including <em>The 6ix, </em>and he continues to make his mark.</p>\n \n \n <img class="aligncenter wp-image-22464 size-medium" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_ALONE_EstivalliMedrano_0309-526x526-1.jpg" alt="Headshot of Estivalli Medrano" width="526" height="526" />\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Estivalli Medrano</strong></p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">Originally from Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, Estivalli Medrano is an actress, singer, and dancer whose professional career began in Toronto. She is bilingual in Spanish and English. After graduating from high school in Mexico, Estivalli moved to Los Angeles to continue her training at The Los Angeles Film School. Later, she decided to travel around the world while furthering her training in Argentina and Spain. In 2019, Estivalli transferred to Toronto Film School to focus primarily on acting for film and television. Estivalli has collaborated in student and professional projects including short films, music videos, theatre performances and background acting in television series and movies.</p>\n \n \n <img class="aligncenter wp-image-22467 size-medium" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_ALONE_OliviaMunyaneza_0309-526x526-1.jpg" alt="Headshot of Olivia Munyaneza" width="526" height="526" />\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Olivia Munyaneza</strong></p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">Olivia was born in Toronto and raised in Ottawa. Her mother is a genocide refugee from Rwanda, and her father immigrated from Rwanda to Canada in the ’80s to pursue a Master’s degree in Business. Olivia has always been a pop culture baby who keeps up with all the latest TV shows and movies and has always pictured herself being a Hollywood actress. She enrolled at Toronto Film School in 2019 to begin her journey to becoming an actress and filmmaker. You will see her on the big screen coming soon.</p>\n \n \n <img class="aligncenter wp-image-22468 size-medium" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_ALONE_SunminOh_0309-526x526-1.jpg" alt="Headshot of Sunmin Oh" width="526" height="526" />\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Sunmin Oh</strong></p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">Originally from South Korea and British Columbia, Sunmin is a Term 5 student in Toronto Film school’s Acting program. She speaks fluent English, Korean, conversational French and basic Spanish. Sunmin studied violin for 10 years, finished her BA in Sociology at Western, travelled the world and completed her certificate in Multimedia Journalism at U of T. Her film and theatre credits include: <em>Twofold, Solitaire </em>and <em>Hell to Paige</em>, <em>Canadian Collectives, Anton Chekhov</em>, <em>Paradise Lost</em>. Sunmin wrote, produced, and directed a silent film called <em>Losing Berlin</em>, which explores the contradicting nature of high-functioning addiction. Sunmin enjoys exploring film, writing poetry, making mood-specific Spotify playlists and leaving too many tabs open.</p>\n \n \n <img class="aligncenter wp-image-22469 size-medium" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_AyomideOlogunKolawole_0309-525x526-1.jpg" alt="Headshot of Ayomide Ologun-Kolawole" width="525" height="526" />\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Ayomide Ologun-Kolawole</strong></p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">Nigeria-born Ayomide Ologun-Kolawole is a graduate of Centennial College. After obtaining her diploma in Child and Youth Worker and Social Service Worker, Ayo gave back to her community by volunteering at YMCA Whitby and One Kenton place. She is currently attending Toronto Film School for acting, but also enjoys directing and producing. Ayo values honesty above all things and is accountable for her feelings. If Ayo is not writing scripts, acting or cooking, she is watching movies and just living her best life in any possible way.</p>\n \n \n <img class="aligncenter wp-image-22470 size-medium" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_ALONE_HarshaPappu_0309-526x526-1.jpg" alt="Headshot of Harsha Rao" width="526" height="526" />\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Harsha Rao</strong></p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">Harsha Rao is a student of the Acting program at Toronto Film School. He has appeared in a few student-produced short films and commercials, as well as adaptations of <em>Paradise Lost </em>and <em>True West</em>. Harsha finds comfort in playing villainous roles, as he most recently did in a short film production outside of school called <em>Safety First</em>. He enjoys writing and incorporating life experiences in his scripts.</p>\n \n \n <img class="aligncenter wp-image-22471 size-medium" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_KatrinaPhangLyn_0309-526x526-1.jpg" alt="Headshot of Katrina Phang-Lyn" width="526" height="526" />\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Katrina Phang-Lyn – <em>Stage Manager and Assistant Director</em></strong></p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">Katrina Phang-Lyn is ecstatic to be a stage manager for the first time after spending many years developing her acting craft. She is a graduate of the Toronto Film School’s Acting for Film, TV and the Theatre diploma program. She has also completed the Acting Conservatory program at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City. Katrina starred as Cassandra Cain,in the Off-Broadway show, <em>I Killed Batman</em>. She most recently starred and directed in her first short film, <em>Convenience</em>. Theatre is her bread and butter; Katrina aspires to continue to create devised theatre alongside other dedicated performers.</p>\n \n \n <img class="aligncenter wp-image-22472 size-medium" src="https://uat.tfs.staging.poundandgrain.ca/app/uploads/2023/03/TFS_ACT_RosannaSaracinoHeadshot_0608-670x523-1.jpg" alt="Headshot of Rosanna Saracino" width="670" height="523" />\n <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Rosanna Saracino – Director</strong></p>\n <p style="text-align: center;">Rosanna Saracino is an Italian Canadian director, educator, and activist, with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. She has directed more than 80 projects in theatre and film, and coached and created in theatre, film, dance, and the music industry all around the world, including: One Yellow Rabbit, Canadian Opera Company, Royal Winnipeg Ballet, Shaftsbury films. Rosanna is the recipient of the Yorkville University SSAF fund, for her research and innovation in psychological consent and boundary practices for the entertainment industry.</p> """ |
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